Tuesday, October 13, 2009

When God closes a bore, he opens a bimbo.


I got it from a book I read. XD


So. :D I've been reading mangas and I love this one called Otokomae Beads Club by Kyousuke Motomi. It made me laugh SO HARD, it made me yearn.
And WHOA that guy can be my sexy crow messenger anytime. He has killer eyes. It's just something about them. XD
Hahaha yes, going gaga over a fictional crow messenger that does the sexiest things ever.
Like coming just a bit too close, like dropping compliments loud enough only for you to hear.


Go ahead and read it if you have the time :D


I visited Chandni today. I had a great time with Gloria, Sue Huey, Sook Yan, Alex, Ashley, Alicia and of course Chandni. :D and Chandni's mom! :D
Sook Yan showcased her art~ it was like a real art gallery! XD Private screening hahahah. All that shading, all that detail. And all that manager :D EHEM Gloria. XD

One dissatisfactory thing is that "Quite" response to one of our questions from one of the nurses/doctors there. OMG. I wanted to shlapp her. XD It's either YES or NO.

Other than that it all went pretty well :) I was superdrained after that.
But it was worth it. :D

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