Saturday, October 24, 2009

Coleslaw and wantan?

That's what my friend told me; she said that she'd eaten wantan with coleslaw as a side before and it was good. = = I'm gonna track that dish down. XD
Hi :D I'm coming to you from Joy Luck Club again, hahaha.
Beast Master is amazing. HOHOHOHO.
Tomorrow is a Sunday, already. Time flies so freaking fast!
Let me introduce you to my darlings in slumbertime today! :D I have a pink pig that my uncle bought for us when I was 7, I think. Its name is Piggy. HAHAHAHAH no surprise there. :D My sister got a lion, my cousin got a tiger and the other cousin got a parrot. We were at the zoo :D Well I have many memories with that pig. It was with me when I cried, and when Iwas real happy. I washed it twice; it's really hard to dry fast, so I've microwaved it once XD Hahahahahahah don't crack any jokes, I've had enough from my sister. Speaking of Mandy, she had this phase where she wanted to trim hair. She's trimmed her lion's mane, cut a fringe on Barbie and finally, she cut the pink hair on my Piggy! D: Now it's really short. Hahaha. The tail uncurled and became straight over time; I've tried recurling it with my finger but it won't stick. Still. It's really cute. :D black beads for eyes, and a snout that's extremely cute. It doesn't smile, though.
Next, there's Mickey! :D Mickey Mouse... I still don't know how I got it. All I know is, whenever I had trouble sleeping, I'd stroke its velvet tail and fall asleep fast. :D Mandy and I have also had a phase where we wanted to play with make up. Barbie's came off, but not Mickey's red marker lipstick. So now it smiles prettily at me. XD It has faded to a light washed red over the years. I love the red pants on him.
I used to have this teddy bear I made myself at this place called Beverly's. I don't know where it went, but I'm extremely proud of my handiwork because compared to Mandy's, my stuffing didn't come out of its dark green with wood patterned cloth body. :D The brown button eyes were warm, the nose was a little long and it didn't smile because I didn't know how to sew a smile on.
Poring is next :D Cherish gave it to me and Mandy on my birthday. It's so cute :3 it has angel wings and it smiles no matter what! Hahahahah. I think it has 4 years with me; that's a quarter of my life. Wow.
Next is a recent arrival; Wei Xuan gave it to me for my belated birthday present! :D I named it Squirt, because it looked like Squirt from Finding Nemo. Although it's much cuter. :D hahahaha; it holds my phone in a slit in its shell, and it is extremely huggable. I don't worry about phone radiation when it holds my phone. XD Though I still should be.
Last, but not least, is my darling bolster. It's been there through thick and thin, since I was 5. XD It's super soft and I feel safe whenever I hug it. It has simple pictures of animals in pretty places like a sheep in a field of flowers, a horse in front of a barn and a few others.
Hahahahahahah. I must seem so childish.
Thank you for reading if you get down to this sentence :D my darlings say it's nice to meet you! Hahaha.

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