Wednesday, July 30, 2008

All my CS-ness! :D

YES! New post! :D
OK... A list of all the people I'm interested in..
The fruit lady!
An old Indian man working as a sweeper in my condominium. One day I just decided to give him a jellybean, and he looked happy. I'm happy too.
Noodle seller! His hair is intriguing XD and he's cute too. Ahahahha!
A guy in tuition. Only appears on Fridays and Saturdays~ And his last name is Sin. FUNNAY! XD
Anyway! Have you met people that seem really really perfect to you? I've encountered that four times this year. A girl and a guy in tuition, who at first sight,.... and second.. and third... seemed like they were shiny! Seriously, I ain't kidding. XD A guy and a girl in school, who look like perfect people in a perfect relationship. And another two pairs in my school, who've been together for so long. One of those people is my childhood friend. :) I'm so happy for all of them. AND SHINE ON! XD ahahahahhaa

Too many maybes.

Of all Wednesdays of staying back... I pick to go home when he stays back.

Still! :D Today's the day I learned the beautiful-hands-nameless-Portuguese somehow-guy's name! :D It's Ashle~ XD I'm not really sure of his spelling of his name though... but it suits him. :D
Maybe words don't mean as much as actions to me.
*rambles* XD
I still think about last Wednesday; the last time I talked to him.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Personality Type and THE WEDNESDAY!

OMG! It's so me it's uncanny!! :D Look at ma personality button, it's purple! Ahahahhaa~



SO MANY THINGS HAVE HAPPENED!! XD happy things! Really happy things XD

Last Wednesday, we had Water War!! The Interact Club, Usahawan (Enterprisers? XD) Club and the English Club wet one another and it was so --------- FUN! :D Guess who was there? Why, you guessed right: it WAS him! XD ahahahaha! He's got the blue uniform on now, it looks good on him. Ya. XD So he's in the Usahawan Club, and Lara, Raj, Abel, Ian and I were filling our balloons for ammo against all of them. The Triangle War II! Ahahahhahaa!
It's really funny as just before the Water War, I almost ran into them and when I saw them I looked up to the heavens and said, "Yes, fate is not on my side" as I thought what happened last LAST Wednesday was gonna happen again that day. Ahahahaha! How wrong I was XD

Anyway... he was wet all over already, so he was just bringing empty pails in to fill. As we were filling, suddenly I realized that everyone was keeping away from me for some reason. I looked up from my balloon knot and didn't even have time to see the pail of water come pouring down!!! XD ahahahhahaha! But damn, I was wet all over! So I grabbed my balloon, flung it at him (it seemed to be in slow motion for some reason) and he dodged it easily and it just burst on the ground. I laughed along with everyone and then continued filling my balloons. WHO knew he'd do it AGAIN?! Ahahahahhaa!
I took 2 balloons and ran out to the battlefield! I aimed one at a friend and got her feet XD And then he came again and poured water over me XD I aimed one at him and it didn't burst!! The traitor! Ahahahhaa~
When I was filling some more balloons and he was filling yet another pail, he wanted to douse me AGAIN, but not this time! I dodged and started (sorta) running and I knew from firsthand experience that the floor out of the tiles were slippery with moss.. I forgot.. and he fell down on his back XD IYAAA! He is so cute~! (imagine me standing and looking down at him... That gives me an idea of something to draw! :D)
I wrestled him for a pail. Some water splashed onto him and I AM PROUD OF MYSELF! Ahahahaha! It was really like magic. We weren't talking, then suddenly we were wrestling over a pail!
Yes, that fateful Wednesday was a great Wednesday. XD
After the Water War, I went to change into a blue shirt to support Haley, who's basketball captain! She had a match against some of the girls in my school.. and the team colour of the match was blue, so. Ya.. :D and I'm also very proud to say that THEY WON! By a mile! Haley scored 28 points, she's so proud XD
And after the game, he said bye. And I did too, so...! Yeay! Ahahaha~
ECKY! Reading this? :D Hi! Yes. This is the full account somewhat of what had happened on Wednesday~!
I have not the foggiest idea of what's gonna happen next. YEAH. XD
That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it!
And a PS for you fatfat! I'd love to play badminton against you sometime! :D
This post seems to have a lot of Wednesdays. S'good.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Am The Ultimate Peach!


NAAAAH. XD I suffer heartbreaks too.

I found out that *ahem* is ... taken.. so... I felt sad.

But I sure ain't giving up! I can't XD I can't as in, I'm not able.

The funniest thing happened today! See, we were supposed to stay back for English Club.. then.. he was there!! (this means usually he ISN'T!) So I got frustrated because he happened to land his butt right near my bag. And I needed to change, because we were playing water balloons.

Luckily, Lara was there! *My saviour* XD she made me admit that I like him, then helped me take my clothes. She said he had a Huh-*my name*'s-not-here kind of look on his face, but I think she's up to something. Like raising my blood pressure or raising my heartbeat rate. It sure as hell worked XD

And then at the end of the co-curricular activity.. he was STILL there! So in a fit of frustration I paced back and forth many times, then Lara dared me to go and replace my bag and I did it! Sad to say, the moment I put my bag down he went home. XD So Lara's really really REALLY frustrated with me~! :D :D
:) So any comments are welcome! D'you think I should give up in a sense? :D

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Days! And Snocks XD

A snock is Eclair's name for a cross between a snail and a clock. XD
Hello there! :D
OIIIIIII! Thanks for joblessly commenting fatfat! XD Don't worry, more new words to come! :D
YES! Days.
tomorrow... is the last day of exams! :D whoo hoo! And there's CF... so... XD WHOO HOO! XD
There's International Understanding Day (IU Day) organized by Interactors going on, and I'm going! XD I'm gonna be wearing a dress. I think. XD
These Wednesdays however, have been not so good.
You see.. Lily isn't speaking to Ecky and Haley (God only knows why. True, no? hahahaha) and somehow she isn't speaking to me...
I dunno what I did..
And him... I've been getting these vibes that he's mad at me. For some reason. XD I raised my hand like, 3 times in 3 different days and it's like I'm invisible! PRESSURE XD
What if he comes for IU Day?! *hyperventilates* XD
New word time!!!!! XD
Ambivalence means, having two contrasting attitudes towards something. HMMM> sounds like me. XD
Ambiguity or ambiguous however means something that can have 2 different meanings. Sounds like me sometimes too! XD hahahahaha! :D Ambiguity also means uncertainty.
I'm gonna go sleep now! Exams tomorrow after all... *SCREAMS!!!!!! in pillow XD*