Thursday, July 10, 2008

Days! And Snocks XD

A snock is Eclair's name for a cross between a snail and a clock. XD
Hello there! :D
OIIIIIII! Thanks for joblessly commenting fatfat! XD Don't worry, more new words to come! :D
YES! Days.
tomorrow... is the last day of exams! :D whoo hoo! And there's CF... so... XD WHOO HOO! XD
There's International Understanding Day (IU Day) organized by Interactors going on, and I'm going! XD I'm gonna be wearing a dress. I think. XD
These Wednesdays however, have been not so good.
You see.. Lily isn't speaking to Ecky and Haley (God only knows why. True, no? hahahaha) and somehow she isn't speaking to me...
I dunno what I did..
And him... I've been getting these vibes that he's mad at me. For some reason. XD I raised my hand like, 3 times in 3 different days and it's like I'm invisible! PRESSURE XD
What if he comes for IU Day?! *hyperventilates* XD
New word time!!!!! XD
Ambivalence means, having two contrasting attitudes towards something. HMMM> sounds like me. XD
Ambiguity or ambiguous however means something that can have 2 different meanings. Sounds like me sometimes too! XD hahahahaha! :D Ambiguity also means uncertainty.
I'm gonna go sleep now! Exams tomorrow after all... *SCREAMS!!!!!! in pillow XD*

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