Thursday, September 30, 2010

his eyebrows went so high

I saw a friend of mine today, and this random thought shoved into my head.
"HEYYYYYYYYY that's him, I need to get a little something for him."
...... it was damn random.
So I got him two small little shizz of curry puffs and gave it to him.
His face was priceless.
The moral of the story is.......
Er, actually it isn't done.
I try to do this thing called Pay It Forward, it's a really amazing concept if you watched the movie or read of it. I have no idea who came up with it but amazing nonetheless.
It's where you do random kind deeds and the receiver is supposed to pay it forward by doing another three random deeds of kindness and the whole thing spreads like wildfire if everyone does it! First you have one, then three, then three other people have to do three deeds so nine, then nine multiplied by three is 27 and.. well it's huge!
Everytime I have small change, I put some on the public phone in school so people who have no coins can make an emergency call. I know the feeling where you don't have coins and you go AHHHHHHHH like a hungry tiger.
Hungry frustrated tiger.
Hungry, angry and frustrated tiger.
So a few days ago I had to scour my purse for a coin that could actually be used (I had 5 cent coins and 1 yuan) and then I found it! One 10 cent coin. Which probably would be enough to say Hello and then they cut you off XD
Then I saw it :D 10 cents on the public phone! YAYYY
It came back!
Now I gotta do 3. I did one already I think? Or maybe that was just "Alex"'s signature out of the blue thing. = =
I can do it!
Chin up, back straight, shoulders back. Basic ballet posture.
*psyched face*\

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