Saturday, May 22, 2010

But I'll kiss my lips and I'll blow it to you.

Second Lover - Noah and the Whale
It's a strange little suicide note wrapped in a happy tune and a British accent. But it's cute. :( I should probably go.. think now. XD
So. Exams have been lenient :) I was expecting harder questions, but yeah. They've been pretty good :D
Sejarah and Add Math loom ahead though. WOOHOO :D Good luck.
I went to Kechara's Wesak Day Fair today. We took 15 orphans to enjoy temselves there for a few hours. I saw Chang Min :DD It's a bit frustrating to only see him on Saturdays and not have full conversations at that :( maybe I'll see him again tomorrow. :D Maybe.
He invited me out to practise singing and teach me Korean.
I wanna go. XD
Before going to the fair, we actually visited a home for the handicapped. It was really humbling, seeing most of them lying on the floor with legs as skinny as poles and their feet pointing out at unnatural angles. Some just sat with blank expressions, others ran around like little happy kids. Most of them were with autism or Down's syndrome, but there are also some orphans in the home. A Chinese man came out and greeted us. Slightly handicapped, he greeted us warmly and brought us in to meet Yani, another slightly handicapped person. She was so bubbly and kept shaking our hands, as if forgetting us a few minutes after we've introduced ourselves.
My mom gave a hat to a Chinese girl with mild Down's syndrome, and she was really happy with it. She was really pretty in her own right, with big, dark eyes, soft hair and really fair skin. Oh, the skin on her feet were so incredibly soft and smooth. She probably never walked in her life.
Then I went outside and this Indian girl, about 15 and autistic took my hand, pulled me to sit down and then she took both my hands in her warm ones. Her name is Santhi. She had a huge grin on her face, showing her teeth, missing in a few places and jutting out at odd intervals. But it was so wonderful and so real.
"Kak, kakak boleh nyanyi lagu tak?"
"Nyanyi lagu apa?"
And then she starts singing this tune, pulling me up and down, up and down. A few seconds in, I recognized it as Tong Hua and then gosh, terharu sangat :'D My heartstrings were tugged so swiftly and suddenly, the tears NEARLY came out. But then we sang together, and her smile made me smile back and we kept singing with unaffected delight. Well at least on her part. Then we sang Rasa Sayang, Gong Xi Gong Xi, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Old McDonald, I Love You...
"Kak, Kakak nama apa?"
Back and forth, we kept rocking.

"Nama saya Alex, adik nama apa?"
She hugs me.

"Nama saya Santhi..... kakak, kak nama apa?"
And it repeats.
She's so cute. :)
And then suddenly, another girl pops up beside me, an Indian boy jumped into our cosy circle and plopped himself down on my lap and another girl to my left and we all sang together, like some impromptu choir. Hahahahha, it was really hard to leave them all.
But it was a good experience. :)
I'm thankful that I'm normal.
Aren't CHUUUUU :D hahahaha.

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